Great Pyrenees (medium coat) : : Male (neutered) : : Young : : Large Learn more about the Great Pyrenees.
Hello. My name is Liam. I'm only 1 or 2 years old but I've already had a run in with the law. But don't get me wrong--this was a case of mistaken identity. They say I tried to bite someone but I was provoked so I started barking. You know me being this big makes me sound really scary--I can't help that--I'm a Great Pyrenees and that's my job. I'm going to be really protective of my house. Well, in the chaos of the moment, I got blamed because I was the big guy. My mom sure was heartbroken to give me up, but she was told she needed to if she didn't want anymore trouble with the neighbors. I feel very bad about all of this and I'm sad. I'm really not an outlaw. I'm actually very sweet (or so they tell me, all these wonderful people taking care of me). They say I behave really well. I'm super tall too which makes me quite the handsome fellow. I get along with everyone here and I've never had any problems since I got here (and you know how it is here--there's alot of strong personalities around me). I really hope I can get another chance because I miss having a furever home. Will you be the one to give me another chance? (PS, I'm also chipped and forgive me, but I really don't like cats. I have nothing against them, but we just don't jive very well when we're together). More about LiamNot Good with Cats