Great Pyrenees (medium coat) : : Female (spayed) : : Young : : Large Learn more about the Great Pyrenees.
Renea and Chloe are two spayed Great Pyrenees females who came to PYRescue via a shelter in Wyoming. We believe that they had been working dogs that got left behind when the flock got moved. Renea is probably about 2-3 yrs. old and Chloe is 12-14 mo. old and may be Renea's daughter. Renea is socialized with humans to the extent that you can pet her. Chloe would rather not be touched. Both are calm and cool in most circumstances and could do well on a ranch as guard Pyrs with some day-to-day human interface. We would like to see them go together as they are closely bonded (they do need to be fed separately as Renea will take food from Chloe). They have all their shots, including rabies. They are hard to tell apart but Renea has some facial scarring (probably from defending her flock as her temperament is outstanding) Other Pictures of Renea and Chloe (click to see larger version):