Great Pyrenees (long coat) : : Male (not neutered, but will be before adoption) : : Young Learn more about the Great Pyrenees.
Eros is a super sweet puppy who just came to us recently. He was an outside dog to watch over the previous owners chicken. According to them, they didn't had time to train him and he started to eat the chicken. They also stated that he is otherwise a playful, calm puppy. This is what we at the rescue have seen, he is very sweet, loves everybody and does surprisingly well on the leash. His adoption fee is $350 plus a $150 refundable deposit until Eros is neutered. A BIG 6 FOOT FENCED YARD/PROPERTY FOR HIM TO PLAY AND RUN AROUND IS A MUST!!! NO APPARTEMENTS OR UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC FENCING PLEASE!!! More about EROSGood with Dogs, Good with Kids, Good with Adults, Somewhat vocal, Does Good in the Car, Requires a yard, Leashtrained, Likes to play with toys, Playful, Affectionate, Gentle, Goofy Other Pictures of EROS (click to see larger version):